
Pokémon Art Appreciation, Day 20: Lechonk 180/197

This post is part of a series for WeblogPoMo 2024. Each day in May, I’m sharing my appreciation for my favorite Pokémon card art. View all of the posts in this series.

Today’s card is Lechonk from the Obsidian Flames set. It’s card number 180/197, released in 2023, and illustrated by HYOGONOSUKE. Here it is:

The Lechonk 180/197 Pokémon card from Obsidian Flames

This is the third card by HYOGONOSUKE that we’ve examined (the first was Moltres & Zapdos & Articuno on day 12, and Snorlax on day 16. While it may seem that we’re looking at a HYOGONOSUKE card every four days, that’s purely coincidental!

We see Lechonk playing in a puddle of mud—exactly the sort of thing that a pig might do. It seems like a lovely day, and Lechonk appears to be enjoying himself greatly. The scene is simple: a body of water to the top right, some bushy plant growth, a bit of grass, a couple of rocks. And a pig playing in the mud.

There really isn’t a lot to say about this card, but I still love it. Sometimes the nicest art is the art that doesn’t try too hard and doesn’t say too much.

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